Nextteq Irritant Smoke Tube Kit for Respirator Fit Testing and Airflow Indication User Manual

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Nextteq Irritant Smoke Tube Kit Manual

The Gastec Irritant Smoke Tube (Part Number 9501) is manufactured by the Gastec Corporation.

Nextteq is Gastec’s exclusive U.S. master wholesale distributor.

Tel: 813-249-5888 Toll free: 877-312-2333 Fax: 813-249-0188 Toll free: 877-312-2444 www.nextteq.
P/N 9505 Rev F 8/09

Class of users: This product is only for sale to, only for use by, and

only for storage by trained, qualified, technically competent, and

professional industrial, commercial, military, or government users.
handling and Storage: Store in the original container in a cool, dry

place. Protect against light, heat, moisture, and physical damage.
Shipping Information: Ship this product according to local, state,

and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to federal

Department of Transportation regulations in DOT 49 CFR.
other precautions: Avoid eye and skin contact with smoke. Do not

directly breathe the smoke. Avoid the buildup of smoke. Use in a

well-ventilated area. Do not use under a hood or in a confined space.

Do not blow smoke directly into anyone’s unprotected face or eyes.

Test only one person at a time. Do not blow smoke between test

subjects. Immediately after using the smoke tube or being exposed

to the smoke, scrub face, hands, and any area exposed to the

smoke with soap and clean running water and always before eating,

drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, or inserting or removing

contact lenses.
Do not use this product for respirator fit testing or a “Sensitivity

Check” if any of the following conditions is present:
A. The test subject has pre-existing respiratory, cardiovascular,

bronchial, or sinus medical condition.

B. The test subject is under a physician’s care for respiratory,

cardiovascular, bronchial, or sinus problems.

C. The test subject is being treated for allergies, hypersensitivity,

or asthma or has a pre-existing allergic, hypersensitivity, or

other condition.