Packing list table of contents, Warnings, Nextteq llc (rev. 2) 4/09 – Nextteq Standard Airtec Regulator Kit User Manual
Page 6

NEXTTEQ LLC (Rev. 2) 4/09
Read and understand ALL warnings before using this product. Failure to read,
understand, and comply with ALL warnings could result in property damage, severe
personal injury or death.
Read and understand ALL applicable Federal, State, and Local environmental health and
safety laws and regulations, including OSHA. Ensure complete compliance with ALL
applicable laws and regulations before and during use of this product. In particular,
follow ALL OSHA guidelines as set forth in Federal Register 20 CFR Part 1910.134 (d)
(2) (ii) states that breathing air systems employing an oil-lubricated compressor must
install a carbon monoxide alarm or a high temperature alarm or both. The Airtec System
does not substitute for a CO or high temperature alarm.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should this product be used except by qualified,
trained, technically competent personnel and not until the warnings, Operation and
Service Manual, labels, and other literature accompanying this product have been read
and understood.
The Operation and Service Manual must be read and understood by each user before
operating this product or using its accessories, in order to ensure proper and safe use and
installation of this product and to ensure familiarity with the proper treatment and safety
procedures in the event of an accident.
ALWAYS dispose of chemicals and calibration sources in compliance with ALL
applicable safety laws, regulations, and guidelines for proper disposal. Failure to do so
may result in environmental and property damage, personal injury or death.
DO NOT remove or alter any label or tag on this product, its accessories, or related
DO NOT operate this product should it malfunction or require repair. Operation of a
malfunctioning product, or a product-requiring repair may result in serious personal
injury or death.
DO NOT attempt to repair or modify the instrument, except as specified in the Operation
and Service Manual. If repair is needed, contact the Nextteq LLC customer service
department to arrange for a Returned Material Authorization (RMA).