B&C Technologies M720 Dryer Control (DE, DP, DI Series) User Manual
Page 26

1. Drying method
The standard controller is equipped with 1 temperature sensor – this parameter will not be
available. If the machine is equipped with a second temperature sensor, a humidity sensor
or with an infra-red sensor, this parameter will be available and can be set to T
or to
. If the parameter is set to T
the program will do drying purely based on time,
which means a drying step will always last exactly as long as the programmed drying time
(see program parameter 6). If this parameter is set to A
the drying step will last until
the controller has detected the batch is dry. Determination if the batch is dry is done with
parameters 8, 9 and 10. If the batch is considered dry, the cool-down step will be started.
2. Min. drying time
If the program is set to automatic drying (see parameter 1), this parameter will be available.
This parameter is the minimum drying time in minutes. This time is started when the drying
cycle is started. During this time the controller will not check if the current batch is dry.
3. Max. drying time
If the program is set to automatic drying (see parameter 1), this parameter will be available.
This parameter is the maximum drying time in minutes. If a batch has been in the drying
cycle for this time, and it has still not been detected as dry, it will stop the drying cycle
4. Drying time
The time the drying step is activated (see parameter 1). This parameter can only be set if no
automatic drying is available or when parameter 1 is set to time.
5. Drying temperature
The target temperature for drying during the drying step. If the drying time is set to 0 (pa-
rameter 6), this parameter will not be available.
6. Offset sensor 2
This parameter is available in case 2 temperature sensors are installed and the drying method
(see parameter 1) is set to A
. This parameter is the temperature difference the 2
ature sensor (in the inlet of the drum) has to measure compared to the standard temperature
sensor to detect if the batch is dry.
This means that after the programmed minimum drying time (see parameter 2), if the tem-
perature difference between sensor 1 and sensor 2 is less than the value programmed with
this parameter, the batch is considered to be dry.
So, for example, if the temperature measured on the drum temperature (sensor 1) is 63
C and
this parameter is set to 5
C, the batch is considered to be dry when the temperature measured
on the inlet (sensor 2) is less than 68
7. Offset infra-red
This parameter is available in case an infra-red sensor is installed and the drying method
(see parameter 1) is set to A
. This parameter is the temperature difference between the
infra-red sensor and the temperature sensor to detect the batch as dry.