Canon FB630U/FB636U User Manual
Page 35

S T E P 3
To Adjust a Histogram
Specify the area of the image (the entire area to be scanned) for which a
histogram will be generated. See Scan Area Settings
The histogram will not display correctly if an extremely small area is selected. To select
small areas, first expand the display with the Zoom In button. See Zooming
Click the [Histogram] button (
The Histogram dialog box will display.
Click the [Auto] button (
Although you can freely move the shadow mark and highlight mark to another
position, the image can be adjusted easily for optimum effect with the Auto button.
Click the [OK] button.
The preview image will change according to the values specified with the histogram.
The Histogram dialog box can also be displayed by selecting [Histogram] from
the [Image] menu.
Highlight Mark
All of the data to the
right of this mark is set
to the highlight (255)
value. Drag the mark
to the right or left.
Clicking directly on this bar causes the shadow or highlight mark,
whichever is closest, to advance to that position.
These boxes, respectively,
display the brightness
values corresponding to the
position of the shadow and
highlight marks. These
values can be specified by
typing directly in the boxes
or by clicking on the arrows.
Shadow Mark
All of the data to the left of
this mark is set to the
shadow (0) value. Drag the
mark to the right or left.
The histogram settings
can be saved in a file
and reloaded for later
8/10/99, 6:31 AM