Vinten Radamec Quattro SE PDA User Manual
Page 28

4. When both axes are found, the main window is displayed and a message indicating that homing is
complete appears (Figure 3).
Displaying coordinate information for the
camera, pedestal and head axes
The main message window (13) on the main window can display coordinate information relating to
all axes of the camera, head and pedestal when in navigation mode (5). To display coordinate
information, select AXIS DISPLAY (9) on the main window—the information will continually
update in the main message window (13). Selecting AXIS DISPLAY (9) again will stop the
coordinate information updating, holding the latest coordinate information in the message window
(13). Reselecting AXIS DISPLAY (9) will restart coordinate information updates in the main
message window (13).
Communicating navigational and positional
data to the VR system
Selecting RUN NAV (5) starts the navigation process and sends positional data to the studio VR
system. The RUN NAV (5) command can only be selected when all three wheel angle encoders have
been zeroed (see How to zero the Quattro SE pedestal steering (wheels) on page 20).
When nav mode is running, the RUN NAV button (5) will change to a STOP NAV button (5) and the
nav mode indicator (6) is selected (displays a ‘tick’). Selecting the STOP NAV button (5) will cause
the Quattro SE pedestal to stop updating its position and will cease VR data packet transmission.
The main message window (13) can be configured to show axis
information either as positional measurements (default), encoder
counts (diagnostic) or wheel angles (diagnostic). For more detail refer
to ‘Changing the Display options’ on page 30.
1. Selecting OK (27) to exit the setup display, and accept setup
changes, will turn off NAV MODE (6). Select RUN NAV (5) to re-
establish communication to the studio VR system.
2. Ensure that the virtual datum in the VR system corresponds with
the origin of the studio floor target for the Quattro-SE pedestal (Figure
6) (Figure 7).