Torbal AGS100 250C PRO Manual User Manual
Page 21

Important NOTE:
Due to the location of the temperature sensor, the sample height may NOT exceed 10mm.
A sample that is thick or unevenly distributed will cause the top surface of the sample to be overly dried
and possibly burned while the sample underneath the top surface remains wet. This may result in the
sample being burned or the top surface hardening which will make the analysis more difficult as well as
A sample should always be placed in uniform layers measuring 2 to 5mm in thickness and weighing 5 to
15g, depending on the substance.
Using a Glass Fibre Filter
When drying liquids, pastes, or substances that may melt or lose liquid during the drying process, the
use of glass fibre filters is recommended as filters ensure equal liquid distribution. When solid materials
are being dried, a glass fibre filter will prevent the sample from burning.