Torbal DK1 Torbal Denisty Analyzer Kits User Manual
Torbal Equipment

Torbal Density Analyzer (DA) kits are designed to make density determinations using the buoyancy method. This
method of determination is based upon Archimede’s principle, and is widely used for making density determinations with
precision balances.
Archimede’s principle states that the buoyant force experienced by a submerged object is equal to the weight of the liquid
displaced by the object. Thus, if we are able to measure the apparent change in weight due to immersion, and we know
the density of the fluid used for immersion, we can calculate the volume of the object. If we know its dry weight and its
volume we can calculate the density of the object. The DA Kit allows the user to accurately measure the apparent change
in weight due to immersion, as well as, its dry weight.
Density Analyzer Kits consist of the following:
1. A precision weighted pan cradle which replaces the regular weighing pan and weighing pan adapter. This cradle
includes the frame from which the sample holder is suspended.
2. A corrosion free platform designed to straddle the pan cradle without touching it, so that the weight of the fluids
beaker and its contents are passed to the case of the balance (which is metal).
3. A fluids beaker with a special bracket designed to hold a thermometer for measuring the temperature of the fluid
(so that its density can be specified accurately).
To get started remove the original weighing pan as well as the pan base, and install the kit pan with frame(2). Once the kit
pan with frame is in place, install the beaker pan (1) (make sure that the beaker pan does not touch the kit pan or its
frame). Lastly install the ballasts (11) by sliding them over frame sleeves (4). To perform density calculation follow steps
listed in Chapter 14 of the Instruction Manual.
1. Beaker pan
2. Pan with frame
3. Pan fulcrum
4. Sleeve
5. Kit Frame
6. Upper pan
7. Lower pan
8. Lower pan hanger
9. Pan hanger
10. Balance sleeve
11. Ballast
12. Plunger
13. Plunger hanger
14. Plunger wire
15. Beaker
16. Thermometer
17. Thermometer hanger