Terminal block 23 pins – ThingMagic M5e User Manual
Page 9

4 Port Multiplexer Board
Accessory Board Configuration
Terminal Block 23 Pins
The following
table contains a detailed list of the terminal
block 23 pins and their function based on the overall board configuration, whether the
multiplexer to M5e ribbon cable is connected and whether the jumper blocks are
connecting the multiplexer to a controller motherboard. A printed key on the multiplexer
board below the terminal pins also indicates which jumper pins are connected to which
internal function.
Block 23 Pin Function Summary
What it is
connected to
If multiplexer is connected
to motherboard through the
ribbon cable connector
If multiplexer is
connected to
motherboard through
Molex connector to
jumper block
GPIO Input #1
(Input to module)
Bring in GPIO Input signal
to module through this
pin. If no ribbon cable con-
nection, it is naturally
pulled low. Jumper to “HI”
if the application requires
this input to be driven high
at all times.
GPIO Input #2
(Input to module)
Bring in GPIO Input signal
to module through this
pin. If no ribbon cable con-
nection, it is naturally
pulled low. Jumper to “HI”
if the application requires
this input to be driven high
at all times.
Mux switch control
Jumper to OUT1 (GPIO Output
#1) if multiplexer is to be con-
trolled by module.
Use this pin to bring in
external control from
motherboard if multi-
plexer is not controlled
through ribbon cable.