Reader/antenna/txrxmap, Reader/gen2, Reader/gen2 70 – ThingMagic Mercury API v1.23.0 User Manual

Page 70: Operation on m5e-family products is done using the

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Configuring Readers


Level 2 API

(NOTE: the settlingTime is associated with the TX port, the paired RX port is not
relevant), and the second element is the settling time in microseconds. Ports not listed
are assigned a settling time of zero.


Type: array of array of 3 integers

Default value: all the antennas in /reader/antenna/portList in monostatic mode. i.e. for
the M5e = [[1,1,1],[2,2,2]]

Writable: yes

Products: M5e (and derived products), M6e

A configurable list that associates transmit ports with receive ports (and thus selects

monostatic mode or bistatic mode for each configuration) and assigns a

Antenna Usage

number to each. Each list element is a length three array, [ [ A, B, C], ...], where:


A is the virtual antenna number


B is the transmit (TX) physical port number


C is the receive (RX) physical port number.

The reader will restrict which combinations are valid.

Example: Using an M5e configured for both monostatic and bistatic operation, with the
bistatic configuration (TX=1, RX=2) assigned virtual port 1 and the monostatic
configuration (TX=1, RX=1) assigned virtual port 2:

r.paramSet("/reader/antenna/txRxMap", new int[][]{new int[]{1,1,2},

new int[]{2,1,1}});


See the Performance Tuning sections:

How UHF RFID Works (Gen2)


Optimizing Gen2


for details on how the following settings related to reader performance and how to

select the best settings for your usecase.