Stoptriggerreadplan, Multireadplan, Stoptriggerreadplan 37 multireadplan 37 – ThingMagic Mercury API v1.23.0 User Manual

Page 37: With the desired number of, Of the search used by that plan when combined in a, Multiple protocols a

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Advanced Reading

Level 2 API


data read will be stored in the resulting


Data field.


int weight - default value is 1000. See


for how weights are used.


boolean useFastSearch - optimizes performance for small tag populations moving

through the RF field at high speeds.

Constructors exist to create

SimpleReadPlan objects with various combinations of


TagFilter Interface

and weights. See the language specific reference guide for

the list of all constructors.


This sub-class of


accepts the following additional parameter and, when

set as the active


, will cause the

Read Methods

operation to

Return on N

Tags Found

instead of waiting for the full timeout or


to expire:


StopOnTagCount - This class contains an integer field N which specifies the number

of tags read required to trigger the end of the read operation. See

Return on N Tags


for suggestions on optimizing configuration for a particular N value.


Not currently supported with

Continuous Reading




MultiReadPlan object contains an array of other


objects. The relative

weight of each of the included sub-


s is used to determine what fraction of the

total read time is allotted to that sub-plan.

For example, if the first plan has a weight of 20 and the second has a weight of 10, the
first 2/3 of any read will use the first plan, and the remaining 1/3 will use the second plan).

MultiReadPlan can be used, for example, to search for tags of different protocols on
different antennas and search on each for a different amount of time.

C A U T I O N !



The M6e does not currently support MultiReadPlans when operating in

Continuous Reading

mode. If a MultiReadPlan is being used on an M6e with

the Reader.StartReading() method then


must be

greater than zero.