Tjernlund Auto-Draft FSAD & VSAD Series Inducers 8504090 Rev 11/00 User Manual
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Failure to install, maintain and/or operate the Auto-Draft® Venter in accordance with manufacturer's instructions may result
in conditions which can produce bodily injury and property damage.
The Auto-Draft® Venter must be installed by a qualified installer in accordance with these instructions and all local codes or in their
absence in accordance with the latest edition of The National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54), NFPA 211 or 31 when applicable, the latest
edition of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) when applicable. In the
absence of local codes in Canada, installations must comply with the Canadian Electrical Code (CSA Std 22.1 ), the latest edition of
the Natural Gas Installation Code (CAN/CGA-B149.1), the Propane Installation Code (CAN/CGA-B149.2) and the Installation Code for
Oil Burning Equipment (CSA Std B139-M91).
Improper installation can create a hazardous condition such as an explosion, fire, electrical shock or carbon monoxide poisoning
resulting in property damage, personal injury or death.
1. The Auto-Draft® Venter may only be installed on natural gas, LP-gas or oil-fired heating appliance systems. The Auto-Draft® Venter
is not suitable for use on condensing equipment in Canada.
2. The Auto-Draft® Venter was tested with exit flue gas temperatures of 575
F (300
3. The Auto-Draft® Venter may not be installed on incinerators, incinerating toilets or solid-fuel burning appliances.
4. The Auto-Draft® Venter must always be installed at the vent system termination, whether terminating through the roof or side wall.
It can only be mounted with motor shaft vertical or horizontal to guarantee proper operation of Tilt Switch which cuts out power to
motor when Venter housing is opened.
5. The Auto-Draft® Venter shall not be installed on an appliance with an automatic valve having a manual opener unless the manual
opener has been rendered inoperative or the automatic valve has been replaced with a valve not equipped with a manual opener.
6. Auto-Draft® Venters not utilizing the Tjernlund CPC-2 Constant Pressure Control may only be installed on appliances equipped
with a draft hood, draft diverter or barometric draft control.
Disconnect the power supply when making wiring connections or when working around the fan impeller and motor. Failure
to do so can result in electrical shock, personal injury, death or property damage.
1. The model PSA-1 Fan Proving Switch provided must be interlocked with the heating appliance burner(s).
2. Plan the vent system so that the code required clearances are maintained from plumbing, wiring and combustibles.
3. Make certain the power supply is adequate for Auto-Draft® Venter motor requirements. Do not add the Auto-Draft® Venter to a
circuit where the total load is unknown.
4. The installer must verify that the appliance on which the Auto-Draft® Venter will be installed is in a safe operating condition.
Consult appliance manufacturer’s Instructions for details.
5. The appropriate Tilt Switch, which cuts out power to motor when housing is opened, must be wired into the safety circuit depending
on horizontal or vertical orientation of the Auto-Draft® Venter. Refer to wiring instructions and diagrams for details.
6. Auto-Draft® Venter housing is single wall. Standard clearances to combustibles must be maintained. Optional wall and roof mount
kits which maintain clearances to combustibles are available from Tjernlund.
7. VSAD Series Venters must use appropriate Tjernlund VFD model.
Le fait d'installer, d'entretenir ou d'utiliser le ventilateur de tirage Auto-Draft® d'une manière non conforme aux instructions
du fabricant risque de provoquer des blessures et des dégâts matériels.
Le ventilateur de tirage Auto-Draft® doit être installé par un installateur qualifié, conformément à ces instructions et à tous les règle-
ments locaux. En l'absence de règlements locaux au Canada, les installations doivent se conformer au Code canadien de l'électricité
(CSA Std 22.1 ), à la dernière édition du Code d'installation du gaz naturel (CAN/CGA-B149.1), du Code d'installation du propane
(CAN/CGA-B149.2) et du Code d'installation des appareils de combustion au mazout (CSA Std B139-M91).
Une installation incorrecte risque de créer une situation dangereuse, telle une explosion, un incendie, des chocs électriques ou un
empoisonnement au monoxyde de carbone, entraînant des dégâts matériels et des blessures graves, voire mortelles.
1. Le ventilateur de tirage Auto-Draft® ne doit être installé qu'avec des appareils de chauffage au gaz naturel, au gaz de pétrole
liquéfié ou au mazout. Le ventilateur de tirage Auto-Draft® ne doit pas être installé sur condensing equipment au Canada.