Origin Live Rega Modification Kits User Manual
Page 6

prevent it rotating as you tighten the nut – if this rotates then the spring settings will be incorrect –
the Spring setting must be left at 3 while carrying out this operation.
25. Replace the Spring cover along with it’s 2 button headed fastening bolts. These should only be
tightened fractionaly. The second Acorn nut can then be threaded onto the spindle prodruding
through the Spring cover – this only requires finger tightness.
26. Push in the “headshell plug of wires” into the headshell – as you do this, wedge in the strands of the
earth wire so that it makes electrical contact with the arm tube. The end result should be
approximately 3 mm of headshell bung protruding from the end of the arm tube and the earth wire
strands jammed in between the bung and the exposed (earlier abraided) aluminium of the arm tube.
27. Desolder the draw wire and separate the 5 litz wires using a soldering iron along with a needle or
spike. Now trim off the ends of the 5 litz wires so that the “tinned” portion of wire is approximately
28. The arm is now ready to attach the new Rega external cable or Origin Live external cable kit – the
next section is applicable to both.
1. Lay the arm on it’s side approx 2” above your working surface height
29. Hold the external wire “base plug” in a position approximately 25mm from the base of the arm i.e.
within connection reach of the internal wire ends.
30. Solder the Litz wires to the base plug as per the diagram under the Rega arm diagram – you will need
a continuity tester to establish which Litz wire belongs to which cartridge tag colour. The “earth”
Litz which attaches to the blue knotted wire should be soldered to a position very close to the blue
insulation – take care that solder does not flow onto the stranded portion that wedges between the
base plug and the base housing. If you allow this to happen, you will find the fit is too tight when you
come to fit the base plug. In this event you can simply solder on a few extra strands of wire to
substitute the mistake.
31. Once all the wires are soldered you can insert the plug into the base of the arm (sometimes this
requires force) – the earth wire strands should be jammed between inside of the threaded base
housing and the plug so that the earth wire makes electrical contact with the housing as well as the
headshell tube. Take care when inserting this plug to orientate it so that the earth is no in danger of
contacting any of the internal wires.
32. Tighten the small Allen screw on the base of the arm to clamp the base plug in position.
33. Carry out continuity test between all cartridge tags and phono plugs – also check the earth wire at
headshell and threaded arm housing. Also check that no short circuits exist between any of the
34. Refit the rear stub or if you have the structural modification kit see the end section “fitting the
structural modification.
35. The arm is now ready for your rear stub to be refitted and is then complete – if you are fitting the
rear structural modification kit then move on to the section describing this operation.