Origin Live Pivot point adjustment and checking for MK3a arms and above User Manual
Pivot point adjustment and checking

Pivot point adjustment and checking
The illustrations are not necessarily an exact
likeness of your arm - their purpose is to show
principles that are the same for all Origin Live dual
pivot arms.
If you are experiencing tracking force variations
of greater than plus or minus 0.2 grams then it
is worth checking that the dual points are set up
Firstly look at the right hand side end cap and
check that it is perfectly concentric with the yoke.
The white dashed circle in Figure 1 shows correct
position which is neither above or below the centre
axis of the yoke.
Figure 2 shows dashed lines in a position below the
centre axis.
Check both right and left hand end caps for
correct height alignment. If either cap is clearly out
of its central position then the points need to be
adjusted till the end caps become concentric with
the yoke.
To adjust the pivot points- See Figure 3 - Firstly
untighten the “pivot clamping screws” on both
right and left hand sides of the yoke. You can now
adjust the “azimuth adjuster screws” till both left
and right hand side end caps are concentric with
the yoke.
It is helpfull to perceive the yoke as a fixed
reference - it is the end caps and arm that moves
with adjustment. The pivots are actualy part of the
end cap assembly, so as you wind the right hand
pivot down ( ie turn the adjuster screw as shown in
Figure 3 in a clockwise direction looking from the
top) the right hand end cap will rise.
The same is true for the left hand side.
Adjust till both end caps are central
to yoke axis. Lastly you should fine
adjust the screws to achieve correct
azimuth (vertical alignment of the
cartridge when viewed head on)
using conventional methods. The
pivot clamping screws are best left
unclamped for optimum performance.
End cap (right hand side)
Azimuth adjuster screw for
right hand side pivot
SCREW (right hand side)
Slacken off before turning
adjuster screws - best only very
lightly tightened for transit
The bottom of the round pivot dowel should be level
with the bottom of the yoke as shown