Origin Live All non dual pivot arms User Manual
Installing origin live & rega arms, Introduction, Mounting the arm

Give special attention to underlined text in these instructions.
special attention to underlined text in these instructions.
Please note that on some arms, it may seem that there is “play”
in the bearings - this is deliberate and bearing tension should
not be altered or degradation will result - The bearing races are
high quality and devoid of play, however the bearing housings
are carefully dimensioned to allow a loose fi t, thus “fl oating” the
arm rather than rigidly coupling it to the deck.
Mounting the arm
Arm mounting methods are critical for best performance
Arm mounting methods are critical for best performance
and vary depending on the arm AND the make of your
and vary depending on the arm AND the make of your
turntable. This section caters for various scenarios. If possible,
refer also to the mounting instructions from your turntable
Mounting hole dimensions
Most decks come with a predetermined hole position
specifi caly set up for arms with “ Rega “ geometry but if this is
not the case with your deck then use the following - Mounting
dimensions for Origin Live & modifi ed Rega arms require
centre of platter, to centre of arm hole, to be approx 223mm
plus or minus 2mm tolerance. The hole diameter for the arm
is 23mm to 25 mm (24 - 25mm if a threaded vta adjuster is to
fi t). If you need to modify your existing armboard to enable an
arm to fi t, please refer to our web site FAQ (frequently asked
questions) in the tonearm section.
For the newer 3 point mounting
For the newer 3 point mounting - once the large centre hole
For the newer 3 point mounting
For the newer 3 point mounting
(24mm diameter approx) is drilled, insert and position the
arm. With the arm at right angles to the front of the deck,
mark the 3 mounting holes using the arm base as a jig. A 3mm
drill rotated by your fi ngers will do the trick - idealy you can
mark and drill just one hole, then fi t a bolt or screw into it, and
then mark / drill the other 2 holes.
Mounting washers and vta adjusters
To allow vta adjustment and improve performance, various
washers are used.
First of all, threaded vta adjusters can be fi tted to all Origin
Live arms except the 3 point mounting arms (All OL1
Next there is a choice of mounting cork washers, or no washers
- please refer to the table below as a quick reference as to which
to use. The fi tting and other details are explained more fully in
the following sub-headings.
OL1 to Silver
& all Rega arms
Origin Live Encoun-
ter and above
Metal & non wood
based armboards
Cork Washers & spac-
ing wahsers if needed
Cork Washers
Wood based
Only spacing washers
if needed
No washers
I N S T R U C T I O N S B Y O R I G I N L I V E ©
PLEASE NOTE: The sound of new arms
and rewires will improve signifi cantly over the
fi rst 2 weeks as items bed down and arm wires