Equipment operation safety – Modern AG Competitor User Manual
Page 7

Competitorrr Cutter - 7
equipment operation safety
• all Safety Shields, Guards and Safety devices including (but not limited to) - the Deflectors, Chain
Guards, Steel Guards, Gearbox Shields, pto integral shields, and retractable Door Shields should
be used and maintained in good working condition.
• all safety devices should be inspected carefully at least daily for missing or broken components.
missing, broken, or worn items must be replaced at once. Broken or worn blades must be
replaced with neW blades to reduce the possibility of injury or death from thrown objects,
entanglement, or blade contact. neVer attempt to StraiGHten, WeLD, or WeLD
HarDFaCinG on BLaDeS SinCe tHiS WiLL LiKeLY CraCK or otHerWiSe DamaGe tHe BLaDe
WitH SuBSeQuent FaiLure anD poSSiBLe SeriouS inJurY From tHroWn BLaDeS.
• operate the tractor and/or implement controls only while seated in the tractor seat with the
seat belt securely fastened around you. inadvertent movement of the tractor or implement may
cause serious injury or death. Do not mount/dismount the tractor while the tractor or implement
parts are moving. mount the tractor only when the tractor and all moving parts are completely
• BeFore leaving the tractor seat, always engage the brake and/or set the tractor transmission in
parking gear, disengage the pto, stop the engine, remove the key, and wait for all moving parts
to stop. place the tractor shift lever into a low range or parking gear to prevent the tractor from
rolling. never dismount a tractor that is moving or while the engine is running.
• never leave the tractor and implement unattended while the implement is in the lifted position.
accidental operation of lifting lever or a hydraulic failure may cause sudden drop of unit possibly
resulting in injury or death by crushing. Lower the implement carefully to the ground. Do not put
hands or feet under lifted components.
• Do not exceed the rated pto speed for the implement. excessive pto speeds can cause
implement driveline or blade failures resulting in serious injury or death.
• make sure the pto shield, integral driveline shields, and input shields are installed when using
pto-driven equipment.
• Do not operate this implement on a tractor that is not properly maintained. in case of
mechanical difficulty during operation, place the transmission in the park position, set the
parking brake, shut down all power, including the pto and the engine and remove the key. Wait
until all rotating motion has stop before dismounting and perform repairs before resuming
operation. Serious injury and possible death could occur from not maintaining this implement
and tractor in good operating condition.
• Do not operate implement if excessive vibration exists. Shut down pto and the tractor engine.
inspect the implement to determine the source of the vibration. if implement blades are missing
safety seCtion