2bios update, 1 known restrictions – Kontron KTLX800-pITX User Manual

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BIOS Update

KTLX800/pITX Software Guide


BIOS Update

The KONTRON update tool (based on the AMD utility '') is only available for the DOS ope-
rating system. First copy the files IPLXUPD.EXE, UPDATE.EXT (absolutely essential) and the BIOS file to a
directory. Only the following combination of command line arguments has been tested and should be used
for the update process.
Note: COMMAND.COM must reside in the same directory or alternatively there has to be a valid path in the
variable COMSPEC.

The syntax of the DOS update tool is:


/C /R


= destroy CMOS checksum


= warmstart after programming

Following combinations are valid:





/C /R


Known Restrictions

When a USB drive (e.g. a key) is used for the Bios update it is recommended to switch off the power supply
after the update process. Reason: after a warmstart sometimes the Bios does not detect USB drives.

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