2 related publications, 3 ipmi in advancedmc / advancedtca environment, 4 module management controller hardware – Kontron AM4120 IPMI Firmware User Manual
Page 8: Functional description am4120 ipmi firmware

Functional Description
AM4120 IPMI Firmware
Page 2
ID 1045-9586, Rev. 1.0
Related Publications
The following publications contain information relating to this product.
As a hot-swappable field-replaceable unit (FRU), the AM4120 follows the stringent carrier
grade RASM feature set, namely - Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Maintainability.
Built in accordance with the AMC.0 specification, the AM4120 is also compliant with the AMC.1,
AMC.2 and AMC.4 specifications and is easily managed via its management features.
As with every Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC), the AM4120 is equipped with a Module Man-
agement Controller (MMC).
IPMI in AdvancedMC / AdvancedTCA Environment
The Module Management Controller is a crucial component of any AMC module. Besides act-
ing as a regular IPMI management controller (sensor monitoring, event logging, etc.), it also
provides an interface to all necessary data related to module power requirements and imple-
mented interfaces (E-Keying). Further, it plays an active role in the module hot swap state man-
agement. The carrier IPMI Controller (IPMC) communicates with the MMC using the local IPMB
(IPMB-L) bus. In an ATCA/AMC environment, it is the IPMC that actually turns on/off module
(payload) power. However, before the IPMC enables the module payload power, various crite-
ria must be satisfied by both the carrier and the module, including power requirements and ca-
pabilities, matching interfaces, current module hot swap state, and any other special conditions
as specified by the Shelf Manager policy.
Module Management Controller Hardware
On the AM4120 processor AMC module, the MMC is implemented using an NXP® ARM7
microcontroller with 512 kB of internal flash and 56 kB of RAM.
Table 2:
Related Publications
IPMI Specification V2.0
IPMI - Platform Management FRU Information Storage Definition v1.0,
Document Revision 1.1
PICMG® MTCA.0 Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture R1.0
PICMG® AMC.0, Advanced Mezzanine Card Specification R2.0
PICMG® AMC.1, PCI Express R2.0
PICMG® AMC.2, Gigabit Ethernet R1.0
PICMG® AMC.4, Serial RapidIO, Rev 1.0
AM4120 User Guide, ID 1045-6958
Kontron’s “U-Boot” Bootloader User Guide, ID 1046-1856
IPMI Tools
ipmitool documentation: http://ipmitool.sourceforge.net
IPMI Tools
OpenIPMI documentation: http://www.openipmi.sourceforge.net