Kidco Stove Knob Stop User Manual
Stove knob stop - 5

Stove Knob Stop - 5
Made in China
Hecho en China
Fabriqué en Chine
Patent Pending
Patente pendiente
Brevet en instance
1013 Technology Way
Libertyville, IL 60048-5349
I n s t a l l a t i o n
NOTE: Clean stove area where knobs are located. Surface must be dry, smooth, flat and grease free.
Position Stove Knob Stop “slide” to its maximum length by pressing on the button and pushing it out.
To secure in place, peel the adhesive backing off the tape and push point underneath and towards the center
of the stove knob as far as it will go, lifting the back of the product up slightly so the adhesive does not stick
to stove.
Once properly positioned, press the Stove Knob Stop down. Adhesive should cure for 24 hours for maximum
holding strength.
O p e r a t i o n
While engaged the stop will not allow a child to press in the stove knob. However, if forced an adult will be able
to override the stop.
To properly operate the stove knob and ignite burner, press in on button and retract slide fully. When done using
stove, re-engage stop by pressing on the button and pushing slide out until it is fully extended and positioned
under stove knob once again.
W a r n i n g / W a r r a n t y
This product is not a substitute for adult supervision. Never leave child unattended. If not completely satisfied
with this product, KidCo will replace it free of charge.
I n s t a l a c i ó n
NOTE: Clean stove area where knobs are located.
Surface must be dry, smooth, flat and grease free.
Position Stove Knob Stop “slide” to its maximum
length by pressing on the button and pushing it out.
To secure in place, peel the adhesive backing off the
tape and push point underneath and towards the
center of the stove knob as far as it will go, lifting
the back of the product up slightly so the adhesive
does not stick to stove.
Once properly positioned, press the Stove Knob Stop
down. Adhesive should cure for 24 hours for
maximum holding strength.
O p e r a c i ó n
While engaged the stop will not allow a child to press in
the stove knob. However, if forced an adult will be able
to override the stop.
To properly operate the stove knob and ignite burner,
press in on button and retract slide fully. When done
using stove, re-engage stop by pressing on the button
and pushing slide out until it is fully extended and
positioned under stove knob once again.
A d v e r t e n c i a / G a r a n t ía
This product is not a substitute for adult supervision.
Never leave child unattended. If not completely satisfied
with this product, KidCo will replace it free of charge.
I n s t a l l a t i o n
NOTE: Clean stove area where knobs are located.
Surface must be dry, smooth, flat and grease free.
Position Stove Knob Stop “slide” to its maximum
length by pressing on the button and pushing it out.
To secure in place, peel the adhesive backing off the
tape and push point underneath and towards the
center of the stove knob as far as it will go, lifting
the back of the product up slightly so the adhesive
does not stick to stove.
Once properly positioned, press the Stove Knob Stop
down. Adhesive should cure for 24 hours for
maximum holding strength.
M o d e d ’ e m p l o i
While engaged the stop will not allow a child to press in
the stove knob. However, if forced an adult will be able
to override the stop.
To properly operate the stove knob and ignite burner,
press in on button and retract slide fully. When done
using stove, re-engage stop by pressing on the button
and pushing slide out until it is fully extended and
positioned under stove knob once again.
A v e r t i s s e m e n t / G a r a n t i e
This product is not a substitute for adult supervision.
Never leave child unattended. If not completely satisfied
with this product, KidCo will replace it free of charge.