Jeep 2007 Liberty User Manual
Page 58

should always use the PAD indicator light as an indica-
tion if the front passenger is properly positioned or not. If
the PAD indicator light comes on when an adult is in the
passenger seat, have the passenger re-position them-
selves in the seat until the light goes out. Remember, if
the PAD indicator light is illuminated the passenger front
airbag will not inflate. For most children properly seated
on the front seat and most properly installed child
restraint systems, the airbag will be disabled and the PAD
indicator light will be on. However, under certain condi-
tions even with the child restraint system has been
installed properly, the PAD indicator light may not be on
even though the air bag is disabled. This can occur if the
child restraint is lighter than the threshold weight neces-
sary to turn the PAD indicator light on. If this happens to
you, you can check to ensure the airbag is disabled by
performing the following simple procedure. Place the
ignition key in the RUN position and apply downward
pressure to the child restraint on the surface that the child
will be sitting on. Slowly count to 10 and watch the PAD
indicator light. The PAD indicator light should turn on.
When you release the pressure, the PAD indicator light
may stay on or may turn off but the airbag is disabled. If
at all possible, place children 12 years and younger in a
back seat.
• The Occupant Classification Module (OCM) is lo-
cated beneath the front passenger seat. The OCM
classifies the occupant into one of three size categories
based on the input from the Bladder Assembly and a
Belt Tension Sensor. The size categories include empty,
child, and adult. The OCM sends the Occupant Clas-
sification to the ORC to determine if a front passenger
airbag is allowed. If a fault is present, the AIRBAG
warning light is illuminated.