Home Legend Laminate and Cork Hard Surface Reducers User Manual

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Doc.ID: 079

Effective: 4/17/2013

Title: Installation Laminate and Cork Stair Nose


Step 5.

Place the flooring on the tread. Press to ensure proper adhesion.

Allow to cure. Follow glue manufacturer’s instruction for actual cure


Step 6.

Apply beads of glue on the tread in front of the U-track and on the

tongue of the floor.

Step 7.

Beginning at one end of the track, press the U-channel of the stair nose

into the U-track. Depress the stair nose into the construction adhesive

to ensure the bonding of the stair nose to the stair tread and the

tongue of the flooring. Allow the glue to cure.

Step 8.

Drill pilot holes on the stair nose. Two at each end about 2” from the

edge. The rest of the holes should be spaced at about 8 to 10 inches

apart. Drive 6d finishing nails through the holes. Counter sink the


Step 9.

Do finishing touches. Fill nail holes with color putty. Clean up.