Archived 4/2/10 – ETS-Lindgren HI-4456 Isotropic Electric Field Probe (Archived) User Manual
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4456 Manual
return. If the command does not require the probe to
return any data, the probe simply responds with the
command letter and a carriage return. If an error occurs,
the probe responds with an error code, as detailed in
Appendix A.
Read battery voltage.
Set baud rate.
x = 1 sets rate to 2400 baud
x = 2 sets rate to 9600 baud
New baud rate does not take effect until the next
Read probe data.
x = 1 enables short form output
x = 2 enables long form output
Load table data. x = ASCII hex data
Set range. x = 1, 2, 3, 4 or N (next range)
Sleep timer. x = number of seconds to wait for
a command before putting probe into the sleep
Read Temperature. x = C or F
Set unit type. x = 1, 2, 3, or N (next unit)
1 = V/m
2 = mW/cm²
3 = [V/m]²
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