Code 3 Torus 3-Up & 6-Up User Manual
Page 6

3-LED Communications Set-up and Connections
With the Grey wires connected between the PARENT and one or more
heads set to CHILD mode, all CHILD heads will either flash Alternately
with the PARENT head or Simultaneously with the PARENT head
depending on the flash pattern selected. The following example shows
how to set-up a basic system with one PARENT head and three CHILD
heads. For this example two CHILD heads will flash Alternatively with the
PARENT head and one CHILD head will flash Simultaneously with the
PARENT head. All heads will be in the Cycleflash pattern.
Step 1
One head will need to be selected to be in the PARENT mode. As
mentioned above, the heads are shipped in PARENT mode in the
factory default, Cycleflash pattern. Select the desired head to be the
PARENT head. Power the head to verify that it is in Cycleflash.
Step 2
Select one head to be the Simultaneous CHILD. Power the heads
and set this head to CHILD mode by holding the White wire to
Ground for 5 seconds or longer. If desired, you can test that it is
actually in the CHILD mode by temporarily disconnecting the GREY
wire. The head should stop flashing until reconnected. The head will
now be in CHILD mode in the Alternating Cycleflash pattern.
Step 3
Set the flash pattern of the Simultaneous Child to Simultaneous
Cycleflash. This can be done by momentarily touching the White wire
to Ground and releasing until the Simultaneous Cycleflash pattern is
reached. To go from the factory default pattern of Alternating Cycle-
flash to the Simultaneous Cycleflash pattern you will need to step
from pattern 1 ( Alternating Cycleflash) to pattern 5 ( Simultaneous
Cycleflash) as shown in the CHILD flash pattern table above. This
will require momentarily touching the White wire to Ground for 1 to 3
seconds, and releasing, four times. Remove and re-apply power to
the Parent and the Simultaneous Child. These two heads should now
be flashing together in Cycleflash.
Step 4
Set the remaining two heads to CHILD mode by holding each of
their White wires to Ground for 5 seconds or longer. These heads
should now be in CHILD mode and in the factory default, Alternating
Cycleflash, pattern. Remove and re-apply power to the PARENT and
CHILD heads. These heads should now be Alternately Cycleflashing
with the PARENT head.
Note: Anytime you are not sure if a CHILD head is in an Alternating or Simultaneous pattern
you can always get back to the Alternating Cycleflash pattern by stepping through patterns
until the SteadyBurn mode is reached. The next step will put the head into the Alternat-
ing Cycleflash pattern. Remember that any CHILD head must be connected to a PARENT
head via the Grey wire, or to +12V, to enable flashing. PARENT heads will flash without any
communications connections.