Installation and mounting instructions – Code 3 MC SuperVisor Charger User Manual

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Installation and Mounting Instructions

Step 1

Remove the plastic covers from the driver and passenger outer sun visor pivot brackets (see Figures 1 & 2). Remove the

(2) small Torx screws as shown in Figure 3 from each pivot bracket but leave the screws slightly threaded in the plastic brackets. Pull

the visor pivot brackets down from the headliner and carefully allow the sun visors to hang by the vehicle's attached vanity mirror light

wires. Rethread the Torx screws back into the brackets until they are almost bottomed out.

Step 2

With a thin flat blade screwdriver remove the inner sun visor retaining clips by carefully prying open the small screw cover

that is attached to the visor clips (see Figure 4). Unscrew the single Torx screw holding each clip in place as shown in Figure 5.

Step 3

Attach the inner visor clip brackets to the SuperVisor Inner Mounting Brackets as shown in Figure 6 and position them up to

the headliner as shown in figure 7 page 4. Loosely thread the supplied #8 X 1" Phillips Truss Head Black Oxide Screw up through the

vehicle's plastic inner visor clip and into the screw hole in the vehicle's headliner. Leave the screws very loose so that you can swing

the SuperVisor Inner Mounting Brackets to one side as shown in Figure 8 page 4.

Step 4

Route the SuperVisor's cable to the desired side of the vehicle and through the cable clearance slot at the end of the Super-

Visor's Outer Panel. Make sure the cable will not interfere with the vehicle's headliner and windshield as you position the SuperVisor

up to the headliner in front of the SuperVisor Inner Mounting Brackets as shown in Figure 9 page 4.

Step 5

Swing the SuperVisor's Inner Mounting Brackets into mounting position with the SuperVisor, line up the slots in the SuperVi-

sor Inner Mounting Brackets with the threaded holes in the SuperVisor, and thread the supplied 1/4"-20 screws and internal tooth lock

washers through the slots and into the SuperVisor's Outer Panel (see Figure 10 page 4).

Step 6

Attach the vehicle's plastic outer visor pivot brackets to the supplied SuperVisor Outer Mounting Brackets noting the differ-

ence between the passenger and driver side brackets and screw the (2) Torx screws as shown in Figure 11 on page 4. Tighten the

screws up to bring the brackets up against the headliner but do not fully tighten any of the screws at this time.

Step 7

Thread the supplied 1/4"-20 screws and internal tooth lock washers through the slot in the SuperVisor's Outer Mounting

Brackets and into the SuperVisor's Outer Panel (see Figure 12 page 4).

Step 8

Tighten the two #8 X 1" Phillips Truss Head Black Oxide center inner mounting screws (see Figure 13 page 4).

Step 9

Make sure the SuperVisor is exactly centered in the vehicle and while pushing the SuperVisor very tightly up against the

headliner, tighten the (2) 1/4"-20 SuperVisor Inner Mounting Bracket screws as shown in Figure 14 then tighten the (2) 1/4"-20 Super-

Visor Outer Mounting Bracket screws as shown in Figure 15 page 4. Note: It is best to have an assistant push up on the SuperVi-

sor while you tighten the screw to assure that it is tight against the vehicle's headliner.

Step 10

Replace the plastic covers on the driver and passenger outer sun visor pivot brackets (see Figure 16 page 4).