Code 3 H2Covert Siren User Manual

Page 8

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EU Lock Feature

By setting either Dip switch #8 or Dip switch #9 to the “on” position, the EU Lock Feature is enabled. This feature ensures

that at least a certain Light Level is on while any siren tones, except Air Horn, are on. If the siren is turned on without the

minimum Light Level on, then that Light Level will turn on. If later that Light Level is turned off, then the siren will also turn

off if it is still on. The minimum Light Level is set by the following table:

For Example: If EU Lock Level 1 is enabled (by setting Dip switch #8 “ON”, and Dip switch #9 “OFF), then at least

Light Level 1 will always be on while the siren is on. If the siren is turned on and no lights are on, then Light Level

1 will also turn on. When Light Level 1 is turned off, then the siren will also turn off if it is still on.

Auto Siren Feature

By setting Dip switch #2 to the “on” position, Auto Siren is enabled. In this mode, the SIR1 siren tone will automatically turn

on when Lighting Level 3 is turned on. When Lighting Level 3 is later turned off, any siren tone that is on will also shut off.

The SIR1 siren tone may be programmed as described below.

Programmable Siren Tones

The SIR1 and SIR2 are user programmable. They are preset at the factory as such: SIR1 – Wail and SIR2 – Yelp, To

change the factory preset, depress and hold the STBY button, then depress/release the desired SIR button to go to the next

available tone. Once the desired tone is chosen, release both buttons. Repeat for the other SIR buttons.

Programmable Air Horn Pitch Tones

There are two tones available for the Air Horn. To change, depress and hold the STBY button, then depress/release the Air

Horn button. Once the desired tone is chosen, release both buttons.

Auxiliary Light Control Buttons

There are four auxiliary light control buttons that the user can use as desired. To operate, depress/release once and the

desired feature will be enabled. Depress/release again and the feature will be disabled. The AUX3 and AUX4 buttons have

special modes they can operate in that can be enabled with Dip switches. If these modes are not set, AUX3 and AUX4

operate in default mode, which is the same as the other AUX buttons. Below is a description of these two modes.

AUX3 - Momentary Active Mode

When Dip switch #3 is “on”, the AUX3 channel is only active while the AUX3 button is pressed. Once released, the

AUX3 channel will become inactive again.

AUX4 - Gun Lock Mode

When Dip switch #5 is “on”, pressing the AUX4 button will cause the AUX4 channel to become active for 10 sec-

onds. After 10 seconds, the AUX4 channel will become inactive again.

Keypad Backlight Dimming and Shut Off

There are four (4) levels of dimming on the hand-held controller keypad: Brightest, Bright, Dim, and Off. To initiate a change

to the dimming level hold the STBY button down for 5 or more seconds without pressing any other buttons on the keypad.

The unit will change to the next dim level (or Off if it is currently set at the lowest dimming level). If the STBY is depressed/

released again within approximately two (2) seconds, the dim changes to the next level. The user can depress/release the

STBY button continuously within two (2) seconds to cycle through all dimming levels. If the STBY button is not depressed/

released within two (2) seconds, the dimming level is set. To initiate a change to the dimming level the STBY button must

again be held down for 5 or more seconds. The dimming level will remain set even after the unit has been turned off.

California Title 13 Compliance

By setting Dip switch #1 to the “on” position, the 3599L5 operates in a California Title 13 Compliance mode. In this mode,

Hyper Yelp, Hi-Lo, Hyper-Lo, and Whoop siren tones are disabled. In addition, the Air Horn is disabled if Light Levels 2 or

3 are on.



EU Lock Disabled

EU Lock Level 1

EU Lock Level 2

EU Lock Level 3

Dip switch #8





Dip switch #9