Alumax 793 User Manual

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Measure the opening at the bottom of the

shower stall and trim the ends of the curb assembly
[A] (with weep slots) to fit the shower sill. The
curb should sit near the centerline of the sill. If
required, use a file to round the lower ends of the
curb assembly to fit the shower sill properly.

Using a 3/16" drill bit, drill the interior face of the
curb assembly on both ends as shown.

Reposition the curb assembly on the shower sill
and mark its position with a pencil line along the
interior and exterior base.

Wipe the shower walls and sill, curb assembly

[A] and wall jambs [E] with a clean, dry cloth to
remove any dust or debris. Apply a 1/4" bead of
caulk along the inside of both of the pencil lines
marked in Step #3. Carefully replace the curb in
the exact position marked. Caulk the inside of the
curb ends where they meet the wall. Caulk
generously around the anchor plate [B], screws
[C], and the inside of the mitered joint.

Replace both wall jambs and attach to the walls
with six #8 x 1 1/2" truss head screws [G].



Place the two wall jambs [E] into the ends of

the curb assembly [A]. Masking tape may be used
to hold the curb in place during this operation.
Plumb the jambs and mark the hole locations on
the wall. Remove all parts and drill the walls for
mounting hardware.

For tile or marble walls, drill six 3/16" diameter
holes and insert the plastic wall anchors [F].
Attachments to fiberglass or acrylic units can be
made in two ways. If a reinforcement is built into
the wall of the unit, drill six 1/8" holes to install
mounting screws directly into the reinforcement.
If walls are not reinforced, drill six 3/16" holes and
install plastic wall anchors or toggle bolts (toggle
bolts not supplied by A

