Loading the compact power adapter ca-30 – Canon CA-30 User Manual

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Loading the Compact Power

Adapter CA-30


Make sure the power switch of the power adapter is

set at "0" (OFF), and the VTR switch of the Canon

Video Recorder VR-30 is OFF

Load the Compact Power Adapter CA-30 into the

battery chamber of the recorder as shown in the

diagram. A click wiii indicate that it is fully loaded

and locked in the recorder.

Plug the AC cord of the power adapter into an AC


Set the power adapter's power switch to "1" (ON).

Then set the VTR switch of the recorder to ON.

Unloading the Compact Power Adapter CA-30

1. Set the VTR switch of the recorder to OFF.

2. Set the adapter's power switch to "0".

3. Press the Battery Eject Button.

Monitoring the picture on the TV set during record­

ing is possible by setting the VR-30 recorder's RF

output switch to ON and the Antenna Selector to

the VTR position.

When the VR-30 is not being used, always set the

VTR switch of the VR-30 to OFF and the adapter's

power switch to "0". Then unplug the AC cord from

the AC outlet.