Nomenclature, Before using the tc-16 – Nikon AI-S TC-16- TC-16S User Manual

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1. Focus lock button

2. ON/OFF switch
3. Lens type signal pin
4. AF connecting pins for F3AF

5. Camera mounting index

6. Lens mounting index

7. Lens speed indexing post

8. Focal length indexing ridge

9. Lens release button

10. Meter coupling ridge


(Read the following carefully and get the most out of your new AF

teleconverter TC-16 now and in the many years to come.)

Like Nikon cameras and lenses, your new teleconverter is a high-precision
instrument. Mounted between the Nikon F3AF camera body with the DX-1 AF

Finder installed, the only camera assembly the TC-16 can work with, it in­

creases the prime lens’s effective focal length to 1.6X with but a 1-1/3 f/slop
loss in effective aperture.

You'll find your TC-16 able to work with a large number of lenses, providing

autofocus operation only (i.e.. focus-aid function not available) with Nikkor and

Nikon Series E lenses. A built-in micromotor enables the teleconverter lens

elements to move, assuring virtually instantaneous focus detection and pinpoint

subject focus.

An advanced, multiple-element lens construction ensures your teleconverter

will deliver optimum optical performance with but negligible decrease in image
quality. As with most Nikon optics, the TC-16 benefits from Nikon Integrated

Coating (NIC), applied to all air-to-glass surfaces to reduce ghost images and

flare and to make color rendition more natural-looking.