Installation & assembly – Craftsman 921.153101 User Manual

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Installation & Assembly


Ths air coTDpressor should bo turned oft and unplugged from the
power source before any maintenance is performed as well as
the air bled from the lank and iha unit allowed time

to cool. Personal Injunes could occur from moving parts, electri­

cal sources, compressed air or hot surfaces. The

regulator assembly must be attached before use. Failure to
assemble correctly could resuh In leaks and possible Injury
If unsure ol assembly instructions or you expedence difficulty in

the assembly please call your local service department lor further

Quick Connect Assembly


Before assembly be sure that the

Quick Connea (Q C.) threads have a

sealant applied from the factory to prevent
leaks around the threads. If no seaiarrt is

present, vurap the threaded portion vvHh

Teflon taps.


Remove the regulator's plastic plug. Attach

the O C. assembly to the air compressor by aligning the Q.C
threads to the regulator on the manifold. Be certain to align
the threads before tightening to prevent thread damage

3. After hand tightening, the assembly should be turned clock

wise 1 to 1.5 revolutions with a I3^6ihe size wrench.
To prevent damage and leaks, do nor over-tighten

To Install the Air Intake Rltsr
Remove the plastic plug from the

compressor head. Remove the air intake
filler from the poly bag and thread it onto the
head of the compressor as shown.


Do not attempt to star the air compressor
without first adding oil to the crankcase Serious damage can

result unless fffied with oil The pump Is shipped without oil from

the factory. Only use non-dstergent oils since multf-vlscostiy
motor oils leave carbon deposits on pURip eomponems, thus


and compressor life.


Drain the tank to release all tank air

pressure before removing the oD flit cap. Be sure the air vant in
the oU fill cap (see figure lo the right) is free \
from debris, if air vent Is blocked, pressure \
can buttd In crankcase causing damage to ^

the compressor and possible personal Injury.

Lubrication and Oil

Remove the oil fill cap by turning it .

counter-clockwise by hand. Fill the
compressor pump with an air compressor oil such as SAE-30

rton-detergent (API CG/CD Heavy Duty) oU
at slow intervals undl the oil reaches the
center of the red circle In the sight glass
( see figure above). Use SAE-10 during

extreme winter conditions.




of the Air


The air compressor should always be located In



dry, and welt venttlalsd envinonment. The unit should have
at minimum, 13 Inches of apace on each side. The air IBiar intake
should be kee ol any debns or obstructiorrs. Check the air filter
on a dally basis to be sure it is dean and in working order

Grounding Inatructlons

This product should be grounded. In the event ol an elecirical
short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric eho^ by pro­
viding an escape wire for the eiectrlc cutrenL This product is

equipped with a cord having a grounding wire with an appropri­
ate groundng plug. (See the figure below) The plug must be

plugged into an outlet that Is properly Installed and grourtded h
acoordanoB whh an local codes and ordinances Check with a
qualified eiectrlcian orservlca
personnel If these

instructions are not

completely understood

or II in doubt as to
whether the tool Is
properly grounded

Q/tamding pin


Improper Installation of the grounding plug virlll result In a
nsk of electric ehock. IF repair or replacement of the cord
or plug Is neceseary, do not connect foe grounding wire to either
flat blade terminal. The wire with insulation having an outer sur­

face that Is green wfth or wlfoout yellow stripes Is the grounding

wire Cheek with a qualified electrician or serviceman if foe
grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if m
doubt as to whether the product is properly grounded. Do not
modlty the plug provided, It It will not lit foe outlsL have the prop­
ar outlet installed by a qualified electrician.

This product Is for use on a tircuit having a nominal rating

oM30 volts and Is lactory-equlpped with aspecifie electric cord
and plug to permit connection to a proper electric circuit Make
sure that the product Is connected to an outlet havtng the same
configuration as the plug. No adapter should be used with this
product H the product must be reconnected for use on a diffen
ent type of etecirle circuit qualified service personnel should

make foe reconnection,

Extension Cords
Use only a S^wtre extension cord that has a 3-blade

grounding plug, and a 3-8tot receptacle that vnll accept the plug
on the product Make sure your extension cord is In good condi­
tion. Whan using an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy

enough to carry foe current your product will draw. Cords must
not exceed 25 feet and No. 12 AWG size must be used An
undersized cord wiR cause a drop In line voltage resulting In loss
ol power end overheating.

Break In Procedures

No break in procedure is required by foa user. This

product Is factory tested to ensure proper operation and
