CLIFFORD AvantGuard II User Manual
Page 8

Smart AutoArming™
If you forget to arm your system with the remote control, it will arm itself automat-
ically 30 seconds after the vehicle doors are closed. (The Multicolor LED will blink
green for visual confirmation of the 30-second Smart AutoArming countdown). If you
re-open any door(s) within the 30-second countdown, the AutoArming process will
restart from the beginning once all doors are closed.
Whenever the system AutoArms, an entry delay (factory preset to 15 seconds) will
be in effect when you return. This allows you to disarm the system before the alarm
sounds if you lose the use of your remote control. To disarm without the remote
control after the system has AutoArmed, simply enter the vehicle and turn on the
ignition switch within 15 seconds.You may set the entry delay to any interval
between 1 and 59 seconds. In fact, if you wish, you may eliminate the entry delay
and the Smart AutoArming feature altogether (see page 15).
NOTE: When the system arms automatically, the doors will not lock. This will
prevent you from being locked out of the car while your keys remain inside.
NOTE: To prevent AutoArming when fueling the vehicle, either enable the
valet mode (see page 5) or leave one of the doors open.
Smart AutoDiagnostics™
The AvantGuard II will automatically and instantly perform a comprehensive test
of all system triggers and sensors every time you arm the system. In the rare event
that a trigger malfunctions, the system will alert you of the problem by immedi-
ately issuing four chirps and four flashes of the parking lights instead of the
usual two chirps and two flashes. If one of the sensors malfunctions, the system will
issue the usual 2 chirps and 2 flashes, then 5 seconds later the system will issue
four chirps and four flashes.
Smart AutoDiagnostics will even identify the specific defect to reduce trouble-shooting
time. To identify a defect, disarm the system. The Multicolor LED will blink in red
1-4 times, pause for one second, then repeat the cycle four more times. Count the
number of blinks in one of the 5 cycles and use the table below to identify the defect.
LED Indication Malfunction
1 blink
Magnetic Resonance Sensor
2 blinks
Optional Proximity Sensor and/or IntelliSensor 3-D
4 blinks
Hood or Trunk Trigger
Malfunction AutoBypass™
Once Smart AutoDiagnostics identifies a malfunctioning trigger or sensor it will
instantly activate the Malfunction AutoBypass feature, which will automatically
override any malfunction and arm all other triggers and sensors. Your vehicle will
never be without some measure of protection.