Example, How to set your own personalized siren sound – CLIFFORD AvantGuard II User Manual

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How to Set Your Own Personalized Siren Sound

You can program a unique code of siren chirps to recognize your system at a distance..
Your Personalized Siren Sound will consist of any combination of eight or less dot
(short) and/or dash (long) siren pulsating sounds. A dot is a 1/4-second siren chirp.
A dash is a 3/4-second chirp. A short pause of a 1/4-second is automatically inserted
between each dot or dash, or you can enter one or more 3/4-second pauses for a more
distinctive sound. When the alarm sounds, will issue its normal tone for 2.5 seconds
then will “call out” your Personalized Siren Sound and alternate between them. First
select and write down your desired sequence of eight or less dots, dashes and pauses.
Then write out the matching TAP/HOLD/LATCHED sequence as described below:

To program a dot

TAP the valet/program switch to its momentary side

To program a dash

HOLD to the momentary side for 2 seconds

Normal 1/4-sec. pause

Is automatically inserted after each dot and dash

Long 3/4-sec. pause

Flip to the LATCHED side


Dash, dash, long pause, dot, long pause, dot, dash

would “translate” to


You are now ready to program your Personalized Siren Sound:
1. Turn ignition to the ON position.
2. Within 10 seconds, press and hold the valet/program switch to its momentary

(spring-loaded) position until you hear 1 chirp, then release the switch. The LED
will light in red and stay lit, confirming that the system is now in program mode.

3. Tap the switch to its momentary position 2 times.
4. Flip the switch to its latched position, then back to center. You will hear 2


5. Tap the switch to its momentary position 3 times.
6. Flip the switch to its latched position, then back to center. You will hear 3


7. Enter your TAP/HOLD/LATCHED sequence. After each TAP and HOLD, the

system will respond with a siren chirp.

8. If your Personalized Siren Sound has a total of 8 dots and/or dashes, you will hear

3 chirps after the final TAP or HOLD to confirm you’ve programmed your
Personalized Siren Sound. Either proceed to step 3 of the next feature you wish
to program, or turn the ignition off to exit program mode (you will hear 3 chirps
and the LED will turn off to confirm that the system has exited program mode).

9. If you have less than 8 dots and/or dashes in your code, simply turn the ignition

to the OFF position when you are done. You will hear 3 chirps and the LED will
turn off to confirm you’ve programmed your Personalized Siren Sound and that
the system has exited program mode. If you wish to program another feature,
proceed to step 1 of that feature.