Sony SLV-KS1 User Manual
Page 2
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■ STOf button
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T7(cv üutKni »vvtfciifs youi TV
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on your TV.
Y<»u fTKisi fira imigrani >- ccmtrol Ut wm tiw* Ъпоми i thmtmh 4 O l/OlH«U<»n: AI(ÍR)ugli (iiK iiudcKi (fk- ► PLAY. FF. REW. ë C üf PlAY TIMER SET üf' liultocis. Tl«; VCR will lurn olf 1иол1а(1га11у ii no butions air pntSMXl for mon; cliaii five ó OISRjtY bufion; ThÎN button wiM lum ou nr off ihr Ú PAUSE button: Press Ibis Ixiimn ta niotnentarily You can set your remote control to control the power, channel, volume, and video Input of your TV. First find the manufacturer 's name of your TV. Then, while holding down the TV power button I/O) on tl»e remote control. i>ress i I h * operation buttons in the order shown in the diart. Manufacturer Press Manufacturer Press Sony ►- (hen ■ Gene ral Ekctcic/fff A.^Sears •^then II Akaí/AíXr/EíiKfTVKi/Goííl Star / J.C.Penny/Мйглсмг/МСА/ ► fliffi II Cold Siar/MCA/Miisiiblsiii II ilicn ►- Hiuichi ► liten ►► Wirds JVC liten OnturkMi/Curtbi-M«il>es/ llM-n ■ Klagna vox / РЫЦа / S y1 vai lis / ■ liten ^ Marani^/MCA/Miisuhlsld •4^ (lien II Conxiado/Eini'ivm/Gold Star/ ► i!«n PaiutMinIr 11 titeo Hicadh/KMC/Magiwvox/Philaj/' Dnervon/Radio Sluck/Teknika Fishei/Sanyu/Staj^ Cenriat £кч1г1г/ f'iin»vonic/ rkmtm •^4 irten •<-< |j«*n ►- ►>- ihcii ► ■ flM-n *«4 Quavir/Sharp II liten ■ Radio Shack/Stwp ■ liten Srarx/TtAhlUi Z/4iiih ■ tltnill After you select the playing time, press the PLAYTIMER SET UP biiiion The ON/OFF row of the ^ (repeal) option is Itighliglitcil. Press the ►► (fast forward) or (rewimi) button so (liât ON is selected. By selerting ON. ilïe 30 minute tape will rew'iixi aiKl playautomaticaily vvlicn it nvjc^n’i i I m - i ih I. 5 Press the PLAY TIMER SET UP button again The set up screen will disappear and the tinKn' will start. Follow ihc steps atxive to start watching a video. Wlicn your diHd is watching a vidt* *o. all of the buttotis (except tlic • REC (rc'corcl) bidton) will work. After the set playing time has elapsed, (he fKiwer will torn off and all of the buiions will lx* one hour. If you press a button while the VCR is locked. i I m ’ light on the |X)Wci iuittnn will flash for five scHronds. To check the remaining time Press the PLAY TIMER SET UP button once. Tl»e reinainir^ tiiiK* will appear on yout TV si rc-en. When five minutes are left, the remaining time wilt automadcatly ajipoar on your TV screen To cancel the Play Timer Press the PLAY TIMER SET UP button for more tiian five seconds. When the set up scivett appears Notes • A .1 soon n you nMiipl<4<- si«*p S above, «hr Unier will sian co i ijhcv « i ify«>u turn off tlx* V'CR. This nH'aris i I h .- VCR may ener die lock niode wliile die power Is off. ot lliitl you (uro tlic VCR biick oo. die Play Time« will mum In tlie last v • The Re|)eat TuncikKi wiff rewind die Upe no mare dun five dnin.fvganlkei.sordM’ ui|)ek-n);di oriliiwseUlop You can lock the cassette door to prevent your child fixMU inserting or 1b unlock the door, press down (he PUSH button and move (tie IXX)R You can use this VCR to record images input tlirougli the LINE-1 IN jacks. For example, let s say 1 Connect your video camera’s LINE OUT Jacks to tfte LINE-J IN jacks on the back of this VCR, and inseit a blank tape with Its safety lab intact into this VCR. 2 Start playing the tape in your video camera. 3 Press the • REC (record) button on this VCR Tlie REC mark aixi tape speed (EP or SP) apfiear on your TV screen. EP Extended Play) {>rovkíes recording time thivc times as ioi^ as SP (Stanciard Play). However. SI’ produces better picture and audio quality. To stop «ecfwding. laess ■ STOP. Note ' Tlte • REC bullón will m« function wlien llw PUy Ttn«*r (i rtOivantl I .m<< ( ««• I’liiv Tinici li.-hin- y nxuntlttg.
aixi4-v (scc liclow)
VCR on and off. llw* VCR will
lurn on «uumuKically when you
inMtit л Ц||)г orpren dir
• R
minotvs after the tafx- h siofiped
anienatiom ifM appear wfien yuu
insert a lape. ne.
stop die tape.
Oiution TV
locked for
on your TV. use the ►► (fast forward) or ■« (rewind) buuom to set the timer to OFF.
Reefing tassrffe tapes. To Jock the door, press dow'n the PUSH button and
move the DOOR LOCK slide to (he left until it dicks in place.
LOCK slide (o the right.
you want to record images of your child that you took with your video caiucra.