Owner s manual – Roadi RDT40 User Manual
Page 49

P1125 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sys
P1133 HO2S Insufficient Switching Bank1 Sens1
P1134 HO2S Insufficient Transition Time Ratio Bank1 Sens1
P1153 HO2S Insufficient Switching Bank2 Sens1
P1154 HO2S Insufficient Transition Time Ratio Bank2 Sens 1
P1180 Decreased Engine Perf Due To Hi Inj Pump Fuel Temp
P1191 Intake Air Duct Leak
P1192 Inlet Air Temp Sens Voltage Low
P1193 Inlet Air Temp Voltage Hi
P1194 02 Heater Perf
P1195 1/1 02 Sens Slow During Catalyst Monitor
P1196 2/1 02 Sens Slow During Catalyst Monitor
P1197 1/2 02 Sens Slow During Catalyst Monitor
P1198 Radiator Temp Sens Volts Too Hi
P1199 Radiator Temp Sens Volts Too Low
P1214 Inj Pump Timing Offset
P1216 Fuel Solenoid Response Time Too Short
P1217 Fuel Solenoid Response Time Too Long
P1218 Inj Pump Calibration Circ
P1243 Open or shorted condition detected in the turbocharger surge
valvesolenoid control
P1271 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens1-2 Correlation
P1272 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens2-3 Correlation
P1273 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens1-3 Correlation
P1275 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens1 Circ
P1277 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens1 Low Voltage
P1278 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens1 Hi Voltage
P1280 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens2 Circ
P1281 Engine is Cold Too Long
P1282 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens2 Low Voltage or Fuel Pump Relay Ctrl Circ
P1283 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens2 Hi Voltage or Idle Select Signal Invalid
P1284 Fuel Inj Pump Battery Voltage Out Of Range
P1285 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens3 Circ or Fuel Inj Pump Ctrller Always On
P1286 Accelerator Pos Sens Supply Voltage Too Hi
P1287 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens3 Low Voltage or Fuel Inj Pump
CtrlSupply Voltage Low