Culligan GoodWater Machine DrinkingWater System User Manual

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NOTICE: Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of
unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the
system. Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disin-
fected water that may contain filterable cysts.

For installations in Massachusetts, Massachusetts Plumbing Code 248 CMR shall be
adhered to. Consult your licensed plumber for installation of this system. The use
of piercing valves is not permitted in Massachusetts.

Check with your public works department for applicable local plumbing and sanita-
tion codes. Follow your local codes if they differ from the standards used in this

Operational, maintenance and replacement requirements are essential for this
product to perform properly. The Good Water Machine


contains replaceable

particulate and activated carbon filters. It also includes a replaceable reverse osmosis
membrane filter which is critical for the effective reduction of Total Dissolved Solids.
The filtered water should be tested periodically to verify that the system is performing

One Culligan Parkway
Northbrook, Illinois USA 60062-6209

Products manufactured and marketed by Culligan International Company (Culligan) and its affiliates are protected by
patents issued or pending in the United States and other countries. Culligan reserves the right to change the specifications
referred to in this literature at any time, without prior notice. Culligan, Good Water Machine, Aqua Cleer, Culligan Man and are trademarks of Culligan International Company or its affiliates.