Dell PowerVault MD1200 User Manual
Page 32

Improving NFS Performance on HPC Clusters with Dell Fluid Cache for DAS
Status : Ok
Name : PERC H810 Adapter
Slot ID : PCI Slot 7
State : Ready
Firmware Version : 21.1.0-0007
Minimum Required Firmware Version : Not Applicable
Driver Version :
Minimum Required Driver Version : Not Applicable
Storport Driver Version : Not Applicable
Minimum Required Storport Driver Version : Not Applicable
2. Check that the PERC H810 Adapter has 48 3TB disks available.
[root@nfs-dfc]# omreport storage pdisk controller=1
Disks will be numbered 0:0:0 to 0:0:11, 0:1:0 to 0:1:11, 0:2:0 to 0:2:11 and 0:3:0 to 0:3:11 in the
3. Create a RAID 60 virtual disk with spanlength of 12 and stripe size of 512KB on the PowerVault
[root@nfs-dfc]# omconfig storage controller controller=1
action=createvdisk raid=r60 size=max stripesize=512kb spanlength=12
4. Check that the virtual disk has finished initializing and is ready. This can take several hours. Double
check the size of the device (110TB) and note the device name (/dev/sdc) from the command
[root@nfs-dfc ~]# omreport storage vdisk controller=1
List of Virtual Disks on Controller PERC H810 Adapter (Slot 7)
Controller PERC H810 Adapter (Slot 7)
ID : 0
Status : Ok
Name : Virtual Disk 0
State : Ready
Hot Spare Policy violated : Not Assigned
Encrypted : No
Layout : RAID-60
Size : 111,760.00 GB (120001386250240 bytes)
Associated Fluid Cache State : Active
Device Name : /dev/sdc
Bus Protocol : SAS
Media : HDD
Read Policy : No Read Ahead
Write Policy : Write Back
Cache Policy : Not Applicable