Configuring integration automation, Figure 9 – Dell PowerEdge R510 User Manual

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Dell R510 Reference Configuration for Microsoft SQL Server® 2008 R2 Fast Track Data Warehouse

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Figure 9. Dell Boomi Build Environment Real-Time Integration Testing

Configuring Integration Automation

Integration processes can be configured for “hands off” execution. AtomSphere provides both real-time
as well as batch-style automation options depending on the requirements of the integration, as defined

Event-based Invocation – Direct Atom Invocation

Included in every Boomi Atom is a lightweight HTTP Server. Data can be HTTP-posted to a specific
Atom, and that data will be processed in real time.

Event-based Invocation – Remote Atom Invocation

Boomi also provides a Trigger API, which allows you to securely invoke an integration process that
is running inside an Atom, regardless of where that Atom may be running, without opening any
holes in the firewall. This is a very powerful option when you wish to provide external access to
integration processes or trigger an integration based on some event in another application.

Schedule-based Invocation

Included in every Boomi Atom is a schedule manager, capable of invoking integration processes
based on a schedule configured by the user. Invocations can be scheduled to run as frequently as
every minute. The schedule-based invocation option requires no changes to external applications.