Dell Inspiron 3500 User Manual

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Dell Inspiron 3500 Portable Computer — Installing System Software








This document explains how to install the Microsoft




98 operating system

and the Dell device drivers and utilities on your Dell Inspiron 3500 portable computer.
You may need to use this document under the following conditions:


Dell did not install an operating system or other system software on your


You are reinstalling the version of Windows 98 that came with your computer,
and you need to reinstall the drivers and utilities that Dell provides.


You have a new hard-disk drive and you need to install all of the system software.

To install the system software, you must have the following items:


Microsoft Windows 98 CD


Microsoft Boot Disk Windows 98 Series diskette


Dell Inspiron 3500 System Software CD


Diskette drive cable

NOTE: Refer to “Reinstalling the Device Drivers,” found later in this document, if
some of the drivers and/or utilities that came with your computer are corrupted, and
you need to reinstall them individually.


Before you begin the installation, you must install the CD-ROM or the optional
DVD-ROM drive in the options bay of your computer, and you must attach the diskette
drive externally. For instructions on installing the CD-ROM or the optional DVD-ROM
drive in the options bay, refer to the

Dell Inspiron 3500 Portable Computer — Using

the Options Bay document. To install the external diskette drive, follow these steps:


Plug the squared end of the cable into the parallel connector on the back of the
computer, and tighten the screws on either side of the cable connector.