Deciding how to apply updates – Dell Compellent Series 30 User Manual

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Storage Center 5.5 System Upgrade

Deciding How to Apply Updates

The options available for applying updates to the Storage Center are dependent on the
Storage Center configuration (single- or clustered-controller, enclosure types, and disk
types) and the update component types included in the update package. Applying updates
to the Storage Center can be performed:

In Service: Components that do not affect service or are service optional can be applied
in background mode while the Storage Center is in service. However, the completion of
the installation can take significantly more time to complete in-service as compared to
installing the components during a scheduled service outage.

Scheduled Service Outage: Components that affect service must be applied during a
scheduled service outage. These components require restarting the Storage Center
controllers to complete the installation. Components that are service optional can also
be applied during a scheduled service outage to speed up installation.

To decide how to apply updates:

1 After downloading an update packages, view update details:

a From the Storage Management menu, select System > Update > Update Status.

The Update Status dialog appears.

b Click Details. The Update Details dialog appears.

2 In the Update Details dialog, view the Update Type column for each component:

3 After viewing the Update Type for all components included in the update package,

determine how to apply the updates:

If you intend to install components that affect service, plan for and schedule a service
outage during which to apply the updates. You may also want to install components
that are service optional during the schedule outage.

If you intend to install components that do not affect service, plan for applying the
updates during a time at which the Storage Center is least busy.

For this Update Type … Apply Update Options Include …


Component must be installed.

For a single-controller Storage Center, the update
component affects service.

For a clustered-controller Storage Center, the update
component can be performed without disruption of service.

Deferrable Service

Component installation can be deferred.

Applying the update affects service on all systems. Schedule a
service outage to apply the update.

Deferrable Service

Component installation can be deferred.

Applying the update can be done either without affecting service
or during a scheduled service outage.