Dell Dimension 8300 User Manual

Page 39

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Title — The box at the top of all screens that lists the computer name.



Computer data — Two boxes below the title box that display your computer processor, L2 cache, service tag, and the version number of the BIOS.



Options — A scrollable box listing options that define the configuration of your computer, including installed hardware, power conservation, and security



Fields to the right of the option titles contain settings or values. The fields that you can change appear bright on the screen. The fields that you cannot

change (because they are set by the computer) appear less bright. When appears to the right of an option title, press to access a
popup menu of additional options.



Key functions — A line of boxes across the bottom of all screens that lists keys and their functions within system setup.



Help — Press for information on the option that is selected (highlighted).



The following table shows Drive Configuration option information.



The following table shows Memory Information option information.



The following table shows CPU Information option information.




System Time

Displays the system time.

System Date

Displays the system date.

Drive Configuration

Displays drive configurations when is pressed.

Boot Sequence

Displays boot sequence when is pressed.

Memory Information

Displays amount of system memory when is pressed.

CPU Information

Displays CPU information when is pressed.

Integrated Devices (Legacy Select Options) Displays integrated device options when is pressed.

Power Management

Displays power management options when is pressed.

System Security

Displays system security options when is pressed.

Keyboard Numlock

Turns the Keyboard NumLock option on and off. The default is On.

Report Keyboard Errors

Displays keyboard errors when set to Report. The default is Report.

Auto Power On

Allows auto power-on. The default is Disabled.

Fast Boot

Turns the fast boot option on and off. The default is On.

OS Install Mode

Turns the OS Install Mode on and off. The default is Off.

IDE Hard Drive Acoustics Mode

Sets the performance speed of your hard drive. The default is Bypass.

System Event Log

Displays the system event log when is pressed.

Asset Tag

Displays asset tag information.

Diskette Drive A:

Displays floppy drive details.

SATA Primary Drive:

Displays SATA primary hard drive (if installed). The default is Auto.

SATA Secondary Drive: Displays SATA secondary hard drive (if installed). The default is Auto.

IDE Primary Drive 0:

Displays primary hard drive 0. The default is Auto.

IDE Primary Drive 1:

Displays primary hard drive 1 (if installed). The default is Off.

IDE Secondary Drive 0: Displays secondary hard drive 0. The default is Auto.

IDE Secondary Drive 1: Displays secondary hard drive device type. The default is Off.


Turns IDE Drive UDMA on and off. The default is On.



Installed System Memory

Displays the amount of installed system memory.

System Memory Speed

Displays the speed of your system memory.

System Memory Channel Mode Displays the mode of your system memory.

AGP Aperture

Displays the amount of aperture memory. The default is 128 MB.




Enables Hyper-Threading. The default is Disabled.

CPU Speed

Sets the CPU speed. The default is Normal.

Bus Speed

Displays the bus speed.

Processor 0 ID

Displays processor ID.


Clock Speed Displays clock speed.