Dell PowerVault DL2000 User Manual
Page 13

Working with CommVault, Dell has created an integrated storage solution with
replication capabilities that enable better management for data from remote and
branch office sites. Centralizing this data for management enables backup
systems and devices to be retired from branch environments, along with
maintenance contracts and tape rotation services, for immediate dramatic cost
savings. Productivity is raised in the branch, because backup operations are no
longer performed locally; neither local personnel nor systems are distracted nor
impacted during backup. Human error is reduced because datacenter teams are
better trained and managed through backup and recovery. Data is better
protected, more quickly and reliably, and with usually with more cost‐effective
options for immediate and long‐term data preservation. Policies for data
management can be more consistently applied, an important consideration for
corporate oversight and governance along with legal requirements in the event of
discovery actions.
What makes these advantages possible is the simplicity and flexibility of the Dell
PowerVault DL2000 – Powered by CommVault Simpana replication software.
Offering a storage device as a single point of replication to drop into a remote site
dramatically simplifies the solution. Dell also offers the flexibility of deploying just
the CommVault Simpana replication agent, for smaller environments or
environments in which a new storage device is not desirable. The Dell PowerVault
DL2000 is also scalable to serve as the centralization point for many‐to‐one fan‐in
of replication streams coming from remote sites and systems. Dell also preserves
CommVault Simpana’s capability to work with virtually any disk system, for
maximum flexibility and to preserve the investment in existing storage systems.