An overview of ups shutdown – Dell UPS 1000T User Manual

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Dell UPS Management Software: Common Software Installation Scenarios


Figure 3: Dell’s Multi-UPS Management Console (MUMC)

The Dell Multi-UPS Management Console (MUMC) does not:

 Control virtual machine (VM) behavior. This is managed by the host and configured through

vCenter or other host management interface.

 Assume responsibility for VM startup/shutdown/hibernation/VM migration. This is managed by

the host management interface.

 Replace a user’s need to understand VM behavior responding to a host entering maintenance

mode or shutting down.

 Explain all possible scenarios according to the various virtualization vendors, license types and

feature sets.

An overview of UPS shutdown

Dell UPS power management software can trigger the graceful shutdown of remote UPSs or load
, which are groups of receptacles on a Dell UPS. This feature enables you to manage
scheduled shutdowns and sequential startups of protected loads. During a power outage, you could shut
down power to non-critical devices, thereby extending the available battery backup time for more
critical devices. You can also use this feature to remotely restart locked-up equipment.

The ULNM local agent can gracefully shut down computers, servers

(configured in both traditional and

virtual machines)

powered by a Dell UPS, and the UPS itself — to save all work in progress and ensure

data integrity. The ULNM software enables authorized administrators to see into power status and
manage shutdown configurations from any PC with a Web browser.