Dell PowerVault DL2100 User Manual
Dell Hardware

Reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, November 2008. Copyright © 2008 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.
aced with exponential data growth, many IT
organizations are struggling with the amount
of critical information they must store, manage,
administer, and protect on a daily basis. At the same
time, they are also seeking solutions to help increase
backup reliability, decrease data protection costs and
complexities, and meet stringent compliance and
e-discovery service-level agreements (SLAs).
For example, a 30 percent annual data growth
rate would mean that the amount of data that backup
and recovery systems must support would more than
double in the next three years. Because organizations
may experience annual growth up to or exceeding
60 percent, backing up and restoring vital data within
acceptable time frames can become increasingly dif-
ficult. To help increase reliability and streamline the
process, many organizations have looked beyond
traditional tape-based backup to disk technologies,
which are typically both faster and more reliable than
tape. According to a Gartner user survey analysis on
storage management software usage driven by rep-
lication, de-duplication, and virtualization, the overall
trend toward backup to disk continues, with 48 per-
cent of the survey’s respondents stating that their
first-line backup is to disk compared with only
35 percent backing up directly to tape.
To help meet the backup needs of organizations
of all sizes, Dell has worked with two leading backup
software companies, CommVault and Symantec, to
introduce two new backup-to-disk appliances: the Dell
PowerVault DL2000 – Powered by CommVault and
the Dell PowerVault DL2000 – Powered by Symantec
Backup Exec.
The new Dell PowerVault DL2000 –
Powered by CommVault is a next-generation disk-
based backup solution that combines high-performance
Dell hardware with advanced CommVault data protec-
tion software. It provides a state-of-the-art solution
that integrates disk-based backup and recovery with
de-duplication technology to help provide fast, reliable
data protection in a cost-effective way.
IncreaSIng Storage effIcIency
wIth de-duplIcatIon
Disk-based backup has generally been available in
two primary forms: traditional backup software writ-
ten to disk, and virtual tape libraries (VTLs). VTLs,
which use disks to emulate tape drives, gained popu-
larity for their ability to create multiple libraries and
Dell and CommVault have teamed up to create a next-
generation disk-based backup system that combines
leading-edge Dell
hardware with innovative CommVault®
data protection software. The new state-of-the-art Dell
DL2000 – Powered by CommVault integrates
disk-based backup and recovery with de-duplication tech-
nology to help deliver fast, reliable data protection.
By Sanjeet Singh
Jeff Echols
Fast, Reliable
Data pRotection
FRom Dell anD
Related Categories:
Data consolidation and
Dell PowerVault storage
for the complete category index.
“User Survey Analysis: Storage Management Software Usage Driven by Replication, Deduplication and Virtualization,” by Alan Dayley, Gartner, Inc., March 4, 2008.
For more information on the Dell PowerVault DL2000 – Powered by Symantec Backup Exec, see “Simplified Data Protection with Disk-Based Backup from Dell and Symantec,” by Sanjeet
Singh and Charles Butler, in Dell Power Solutions, November 2008,