Linux /unix platform bash script – Dell PowerVault DR6000 User Manual
Page 55
Setting up NetVault Backup Native Virtual Tape Library on the Dell™ DR4X00 Disk Backup
:: ******************************************************
@echo ===========================================
@echo Clean Media with Label %ML%
@echo Clean Media with Label %ML% >> "%logfile%"
@echo ===========================================
:: ==============================================
:: Open and close I/O Port, to remove a
:: remaining media, wait 5 seconds
:: ==============================================
@echo "%nvutil%\nvopeneeport.exe" -libraryname "%library_name%"
"%nvutil%\nvopeneeport.exe" -libraryname "%library_name%"
choice /T 5 /C jn /N /D j >NUL:
"%nvutil%\nvcloseeeport.exe" -libraryname "%library_name%"
choice /T 5 /C jn /N /D j >NUL:
echo Stage 3 - Completed
:: ==============================================
:: Export expired media and open
:: I/O Port. Library cannot load media
:: into a drive anymore
:: ==============================================
echo "%nvutil%\nvexportmedia.exe" -barcode %ML%
"%nvutil%\nvexportmedia.exe" -barcode %ML%
choice /T 5 /C jn /N /D j >NUL:
"%nvutil%\nvopeneeport.exe" -libraryname "%library_name%"
echo Stage 4 - Completed
:: ===============================================
:: Media is now unreachable for the library
:: in I/O Slot, now we cheat NetVault !
:: For security reasons: Rename old media first
:: After that, create new media with old name
:: Deletion in next step
:: ===============================================
if exist "%vtlpath%\media\%ML%.disabled" erase "%vtlpath%\media\%ML%.disabled"
ren "%vtlpath%\media\%ML%" %ML%.disabled
"%nvutil%\nvmakemedia.exe" %media_size% mediafiles "%vtlpath%\media\%ML%"
"%nvutil%\nvcloseeeport.exe" -libraryname "%library_name%"
choice /T 5 /C jn /N /D j >NUL:
echo "%nvutil%\nvblankmedia.exe" -barcode %ML% -wait
"%nvutil%\nvblankmedia.exe" -barcode %ML% -wait
if %GL% == None ("%nvutil%\nvlabelmedia.exe" -barcode %ML% -newlabel %ML%) else ("%nvutil%\nvlabelmedia.exe" -barcode
%ML% -newlabel %ML% -newgroup %GL%)
if exist "%vtlpath%\media\%ML%.disabled" erase "%vtlpath%\media\%1.disabled"
choice /T 5 /C jn /N /D j >NUL:
echo Stage 5 - Completed
goto :eof
echo Stage 6 - Completed
Linux /Unix Platform Bash Script:
# ==================================================================
# The following parameters must be configured for the script example provided as follows:
# vtlpath = This should be the UNC path of the root share used to host the nVTL instance.
# media_prefix = This should be the prefix of the vitual media designated for processing
# library_name = This should be the name of the library as it has been added to NetVault Backup
# media_size = This is the size of the media to be recreated and must be compatibly for input to the
# nvmakemedia command
# ===================================================================
nv_home=`head -n -1 /etc/.nv6_home`