Dell PowerVault DL2100 User Manual
Page 10

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• Online backups of virtual machines are supported in the following configurations:
Virtual Machines running Windows Server 2008/2003 SP2/Vista SP1/XP SP3 or later
Hyper-V Integration Services with Backup (Volume snapshot) must be installed on the virtual
The virtual machine is in a running state
• To use Granular Recovery Technology with the following virtualized applications:
Exchange – A licensed version of the Backup Exec Agent for Exchange must be installed in each
Exchange virtual machine
SQL - A licensed version of the Backup Exec Agent for SQL must be installed in each SQL virtual
Active Directory – A licensed version of the Backup Exec Agent for Active Directory must be installed
on each virtual machine running Active Directory
Perform the following steps to configure GRT based backups of VMware:
1. License the VMware Agent on the PowerVault DL Backup to Disk Appliance. The Agent resides locally on the
appliance and there is nothing to install on the VMware ESX or VSphere server.
2. Add VMware vCenter, ESX, or VSphere servers to the Backup Exec selection list using the following steps:
a. On the navigation bar, click Job Setup.
b. Expand the Backup Tasks menu by selecting the arrows.
c. Click New Job
d. Right click one of the following items:
i. All Resources
ii. VMware vCenter and ESX Servers
e. Click Manage VMware vCenter and ESX Servers
f. In the Name field, type the name of the vCenter or ESX server that you want to add
g. Click Add
h. Click Close
3. Create a Backup job using the following steps:
a. On the navigation bar, click Job Setup.
b. Expand the Backup Tasks menu by selecting the arrows.
c. Click New Job
d. On the Properties pane, under Source, click Selections. Expand VMware vCenter and ESX Servers.
e. Select one of the following:
i. A VMware vCenter or ESX server