Dell PowerVault 50F (Fibre Channel Switch) User Manual

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PowerVault™ 50F Commands: Dell™ PowerVault™ 50F 8-Port Fibre Channel Switch Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

file:///C|/Users/sharon_anand/Desktop/PowerVault/50f_enit/COMMANDS.HTM[3/15/2013 11:32:02 AM]


The command is run only when requested by Dell Technical Support.


The diagClearError command clears diagnostic errors detected on a specified port while running POST.
The command syntax is diagClearError ; without this parameter all errors are cleared.


When you issue this command it resets the port but does not clear the error log.


The diagDisablePost command disables POST processing. The boot time without POST processing is
approximately 25 to 30 seconds.


Dell recommends that POST processing always be executed to ensure the operational status of the switch during the

power on stage.


The diagEnablePost command enables POST processing. The choice remains in effect across power
cycles until toggled by the user. The boot time with POST processing is approximately 60 to 65 seconds.The
factory default enables POST processing.


Figure 7-20 shows the diagShow command, which summarizes the diagnostics results run since the switch
was last booted, including POST results. The fields are described in Table 7-11.

The command also allows you to loop on the command. For example, diagShow 4 executes diagShow
every 4 seconds continuously unless stopped by pressing . This may be used to isolate a bad
GBIC. A port with a changing LLI_errs value is prefixed by "**" in the display. The following example shows
two passes, the first pass without an error on the line st11 (in bold) and the second pass shows an error on
the line st11 (in bold). The screen shows:

Each port number diagnostic status (OK/BAD) and port state (up (online)/down (offline))
Frames transmitted (frTx), frames received (frRx), and Low Level Interface error count (LLI_errs) for
active ports
Central memory status (OK/FAULTY)
Total diagnostics frames transmitted (Tx) and received (Rx) since boot, which are normally the same,