Cabletron Systems 9T427-16 User Manual
Page 8

9T425-16, 9T427-16, and 9T428-16 Module Specific Information
Novell Xlate
Allows Token Ring Netware IPX clients or servers operating in their default MSB
mode to communicate with FDDI or Ethernet client and servers (which operate
only in LSB mode). When enabled for LLC, the module will convert MAC
addresses for each Novell Netware frame from MSB to LSB format as each frame
is forwarded. The DLC option provides the best translation, but is limited to
support only transparent (NON-source routed) IPX frames. This option is
available on the Token Ring SpeciÞc ConÞguration LM screen and
NONE. If left set to NONE, TR devices must be conÞgured to operate in LSB
mode in order to communicate with FDDI, Fast Ethernet, or Ethernet nodes. Valid
choices are:
) - No translation performed for Novell IPX/SPX packets. TR
devices must be conÞgured for LSB operation.
DLC - Translation performed within the data link control layer for Novell
IPX/SPX packets. This selection is valid for ports conÞgured with the Bridge
Method set to TP or SRT only. Only the 9T427-16 supports this for SR mode.
LLC - Translation performed within the Logical Link Control layer for Novell
IPX/SPX packets (provides MSB-to-LSB MAC address conversion).
C-Port Mode
(Toggle) - 9T425-16 & 9T427-16
ConÞgures the port to one of the following choices:
) - Automatically determines the correct port mode (either
LOBE - Allows direct-attach station connections (acting as a concentrator port).
STN - Provides station emulation and sources phantom drive.
C-Port Mode
(Toggle) - 9T428-16 Only
ConÞgures the port to one of the following choices:
) - Provides station emulation and sources Þber optic key. Also
provides Ring In port; compatible to attach with 802.5 Ring Out ports.
LOBE - Allows direct-attach Þber optic station connections or stations
converted by TRFOT-2
TPIM - Allows for connection to Cabletron Þber optic RI/RO ports using
TPIM-F2, TRFOT-2 (in RI/RO application), or TDRMIM conÞgured for
Cabletron (ctron) Þber optic keying.