Compaq AA-RH8RD-TE User Manual

Page 58

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This manual (written by David Rosenthal) is based on the Release 6

X Toolkit Intrinsics — C Language Interface

Intrinsics are a programming library tailored to the special requirements
of user-interface construction within a network window system —
specifically the X Window System. The Intrinsics and a widget set make
up the X Toolkit. The X Toolkit Intrinsics — C Language Interface manual
describes the X Toolkit Intrinsics. It is based on Version 11, Release 6.

This manual (written by Joel McCormack, Paul Asente, and Ralph R.
Swick) is intended for application programmers who will use one or
more of the many widget sets built with the Intrinsics and by widget
programmers who will use the Intrinsics to build widgets for one of the
widget sets.

X Logical Font Description Conventions

The X Logical Font Description Conventions (XLFD) manual provides a
standard logical font description and the conventions to be used in the
core protocol, so that clients can query and access screen type libraries
in a consistent manner across all X servers. In addition to completely
specifying a given font by means of its FontName, the XLFD also provides
a standard set of key FontProperties that describe the font in more detail.

Written by Jim Flowers, this manual is based on X Window System
Version 11, Release 6.

Xlib — C Language X Interface

The Xlib — C Language X Interface manual provides reference
information for the low-level C language interface to the X Window
System protocol. It provides a detailed description of each function in the
library, as well as a discussion of the related background information. It
is not tutorial nor a user’s guide to programming the X Window System.

This manual is based on Version 11, Release 6 of the X Window System.
The reader should have a basic understanding of a graphics window
system and of the C programming language. It was written by Robert W.
Scheifler and James Gettys.

4–12 Programming Documentation