Compaq AA-RH8RD-TE User Manual
Page 55

4.3.6 Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Guide
The Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Guide contains the
information needed to integrate an existing application into the CDE
desktop. It also describes how to write new CDE applications.
Readers should be familiar with Motif, X, UNIX, and C programming.
4.3.7 Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Overview
The Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Overview provides
a high-level view of the development environment and the developer
documentation set for CDE. It is for the following audiences:
Application developers who develop new CDE applications, or integrate
existing OSF/Motif applications into CDE
Managers or project leaders interested in designing a project involving
applications that will run on CDE
4.3.8 Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification
The Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification
Checklist provides style guidelines for CDE application design and lists the
requirements for CDE application-level certification. CDE requirements
consist of the OSF/Motif Version 1.2 requirements with CDE-specific
4.3.9 Java Documentation
The Tru64 UNIX operating system includes a Java™ Development Kit
(JDK), which provides tools to develop and run Java applets and programs
on the Tru64 UNIX operating system.
The Java Development Kit (overview) provides a link to Compaq’s Java web
site, which offers free Java downloads for Compaq’s Alpha platforms and
online documentation for you to read prior to downloading a Java kit. It also
provides access to a site were you can offer comments, make suggestions, or
ask questions about the Compaq JDK and Java SDK product.
4.3.10 Ladebug Debugger Manual (revised)
The Ladebug Debugger is a tool for debugging executable programs at the
source-code and machine-code levels. It can debug programs written in C
and C++, Ada, COBOL, and Fortran.
Programming Documentation 4–9