Dogtra iQ CLiQ User Manual
Page 24

Water Resistant Handheld Transmitters will not be covered. All replacement costs for
The warranty is void if the unit has been altered or an unauthorized person has
damaged the unit while attempting repair work.
The removal of serial numbers from any iQ Pet products will void the warranty.
iQ Pet reserves the right to retain and discard any parts or accessories that have been
found damaged upon replacement and repair.
If the unit is malfunctioning, please refer to the “Troubleshooting Guide” in the
before sending it to iQ Pet for Service.
The cost of shipping products under warranty back to iQ Pet is the customer’s
responsibility. iQ Pet is not responsible for units damaged or lost in transition to
iQ Pet. iQ Pet is not responsible for loss of training time or inconvenience while
the unit is in for repair work. iQ Pet does not provide loaner units or any form of
compensation during the repair period.
A copy of the sales receipt showing the purchase date may be required before
warranty work is initiated.
Please include a brief explanation outlining the problem and include your name,
HPDLODGGUHVV2U\ for a service
request form. If the repair costs are not covered under warranty, we will call you
for payment information and authorization. For any questions concerning your iQ
Standard Time, or email us at [email protected]IRUVSHFL¿FUHSDLULQTXLULHV
Send repair units to: