Integra LifeSciences Sutures, Coated, Braided Polygycolic Acid, Absorbable User Manual

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the surgeon in the closure of sites, which may undergo expansion, stretching or distention or, which may require
additional support.


Under some circumstances, notably orthopedic procedures, immobilization by external support may be employed at
the discretion of the surgeon.
Skin sutures, which must remain in place longer than seven (7) days may cause localized irritation and should be
snipped off or removed as indicated.
In handling this or any other suture material, care should be taken to avoid damage from handling. Avoid crushing
or crimping damage due to application of surgical instruments such as forceps or needle holders.
Adequate knot security requires the accepted surgical technique of flat square ties, with additional throws as
warranted by surgical circumstance and the experience of the surgeon. The use of additional throws may be
particularly appropriate when knotting monofilaments.

Adverse Reactions

Adverse effects associated with the use of this device include: wound dehiscence, failure to provide wound support
in closure of the sites where expansion, stretching or distension occur, failure to provide adequate wound support
in elderly, malnourished or debilitated patients, or in patients suffering from conditions, which may delay wound
healing, wound infection, minimal acute inflammatory tissue reaction, localized irritation when skin sutures are left
in place for greater than seven (7) days, calculi formation in urinary and biliary tracts when prolonged contact with
salt solutions such as urine and bile occurs, and pain, edema and transitory local irritation.

How Supplied

PGA Synthetic Absorbable Braided Sutures are available as sterile, un-dyed (natural) or dyed with D&C violet # 2
and coated uniformly, in U.S.P. sizes 3-0 through 5-0 (metric sizes 0.7 - 5.0), in a variety of lengths, with permanently
attached needles. These sutures are available in one dozen boxes.


Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dentist or physician.

Manufactured for:
Miltex, Inc.
589 Davies Drive
York, PA 17402 USA

Copyright © 2010 Integra LifeSciences Corporation