CTEK Automation Control Application APN007 User Manual

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Application Note – Automation Control Application

APN007 25 July, 2014


Application Status – Set [Note – New In Release 4.02.02]

Application Status – Set provides a queuing and prioritization mechanism for Automation Control
events/thresholds/states (Alarm States) that wish to change the application status color of the pin
indicating the units position on the SkyCloud display. Between 1 and 10 different pins, each
capable of changing the display to red, yellow, or green can be managed.
The prioritization mechanism insures that any red condition has the highest priority, followed by
any yellow condition. The application status can only be green if no red or yellow inputs are being

Important – The Application Status – Set mechanism requires that the number of events capable
of producing an alarm state be defined. It also requires that each alarm event report its status
once before the first application status change will be issued to SkyCloud. In terms of
implementation this means that each alarm event must have a corresponding alarm-clear event.
The alarm-clear event should update Application Status – Set with a green status. Specifically, for
a digital pin there needs to be a function with a program assigned to both the On and Off states of
the pin, and for a analog/numeric pin there needs to be both an alarming threshold and a
corresponding alarm clear threshold. In short both an Alarm and an Alarm-Clear needs to be
assigned to each pin that can generate an alarm.

Application Status – Set P1 P2 P3 P4

P1 = Alarm Point ID – A unique number between 1 and 10 that identifies an alarm point (pin) in
an Automation Application. As an example a switch might be 1 and a temperature sensor might
be 2.

P2 = Status – The value that this specific alarm point is setting. Valid values are:

0 – Green
1 – Yellow
2 – Red
3 – Force status updates. This function causes the values of all pins displayed on the
SkyCloud icon to be updated.

P3 = Total number of alarm points - Defines the number (between 1 and 10) of all pins having
programs assigned that are capable of issuing Alarm and Alarm-Clear updates.

P4 = ID – A single alpha-numeric character that is used by all alarm points in a single application.
This parameter can have any value but must be the same for all alarm points.

Example: Set the application status of the SkyCloud pin representing your end point to red where
there are 6 possible alarm points and you have assigned an ID of 3 to the specific alarm point
that you are setting.

Action: Application Status – Set
Parameters: 3 2 6 A

Another Example: For the same application described in the previous example set alarm point ID
5 to Green.